How to Fit a Hollow 3D-Printed Head to Any Action Figure Body
Customizing action figures is a rewarding hobby, but sometimes fitting a 3D-printed hollow head onto an action figure can feel daunting. With this simple guide, you’ll learn how to create a perfectly fitting peg hole for your figure’s head using just a few tools and materials. Follow these steps to customize your figures like a pro!
Materials You’ll Need:
• 3D-printed figure head
• Action figure body
• Apoxie Clay (two-part epoxy clay) - links below
• Petroleum jelly (lubricant) – Buy on Amazon
• Nitrile gloves – Buy on Amazon
• Hair dryer (optional) – Buy on Amazon
Note: I’ve been using Apoxie Clay for years, and it’s the brand I most recommend for projects like this. It’s easy to work with and delivers professional results. You can find it here:
• 4lb case: Buy on Amazon
• 1lb container: Buy on Amazon
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Prepare Your Materials
Start by gathering everything you’ll need. Put on your nitrile gloves to protect your skin since Apoxie Clay can dry it out. Prepare a clean, organized workspace to avoid misplacing small parts.
2. Mix the Apoxie Clay
Take equal portions of the Apoxie Clay’s Parts A and B and mix them thoroughly until you have a uniform consistency. The clay will start to activate once mixed, so don’t delay in applying it.
3. Lubricate the Peg
Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the figure’s neck peg. This ensures the clay doesn’t stick permanently to the peg and allows for easy removal later.
4. Shape the Peg Hole
• Take your freshly mixed Apoxie Clay and fill the hollow head with enough clay to form a peg hole. Be sure to save a small amount of unmixed clay for adjustments later.
• Gently press the head onto the lubricated peg. The clay will mold around the peg to form a custom-fit hole.
• Remove the head slowly and carefully to avoid warping the clay, then repeat this process a few times to refine the peg hole and ensure it’s snug but removable.
Tip: Any excess clay that spills out can be trimmed off and reused elsewhere within 24 hours.
5. Let the Clay Cure
Set the head aside and allow the clay to fully cure for at least 24 hours. If you’re in a hurry, a hair dryercan help speed up the drying process. Use it on a low heat setting and always exercise caution to avoid overheating or damaging the clay.
6. Test the Fit
After the clay has dried, test the fit by gently popping the head onto the figure’s peg. If you encounter any issues, here’s how to troubleshoot:
• If the peg hole is too tight:
• Heat the head using hot water or a hairdryer to slightly soften it, then try fitting it again.
• If it’s still too tight, use a file or Dremel tool to carefully widen the hole.
• If the peg hole is too loose:
• Add more Apoxie Clay to the inside of the hole and repeat the process. Alternatively, you can use non-air-dry clay or sticky tack to temporarily fill the gap and secure the head.
7. Enjoy Your Custom Figure
With the head securely attached and perfectly fitted, your custom action figure is ready for display or play!
Additional Tips:
• Work slowly and carefully to avoid warping the peg hole.
• Keep extra unmixed clay on hand in case adjustments are needed later.
• Always test the fit before letting the clay cure fully to catch any issues early.
Why I Recommend Apoxie Clay
Apoxie Clay is a versatile and durable material that’s perfect for customizing action figures. Its easy application and reliable curing process make it the go-to choice for hobbyists and professionals alike. Whether you’re working on your first custom figure or you’re a seasoned creator, this clay is a game-changer.
Get your Apoxie Clay here
• 4lb case: Buy on Amazon
• 1lb container: Buy on Amazon
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